Saturday, October 6, 2007

Wanna-Be Midget Cowboys & Urban Cowboys

So, I was at school the other night and noticed a cowboy hat out of the corner of my eye. As I turned to see who might this "cowboy" be I also noticed that the wearer of this cowboy hat was sporting some seriously U-G-L-Y fake snake skin boots. Immediately the word "cowboy" went out of my head. This guy was a wanna-be. Upon further inspection I noticed this wanna-be had a large mass of jangling keys attached to his belt loop. He had the hat, complete with a big ole sparkly hat band. He had the belt and he had his boots. Oh boy, oh boy. But instead of a rope and a horse he had a dust rag and a garbage can on wheels. Yes, he was the janitor. At first I thought maybe it was closer to Halloween than I realized. Afterall, I have been on unofficial summer vacation for a few months now. Hell, most of the time I don't know what day of the week it is. But I digress. To make things worse with this wanna-be, and my friend Paige will completely enjoy this part, this wanna-be was about 5 feet tall. And keep in mind, he had at least an inch of heel on those fake ass snake skin boots. Then I felt bad, why can't he dress up like a cowboy as he cleans toilets and sweeps the halls? It is America afterall. If he wants to look like some freak ass midget cowboy janitor then who am I to say?

Then just tonight the thought of this wanna-be came to mind and it spurred me (no pun intended) to watch Urban Cowboy. Oh my, oh my. I watched that movie for a month straight on cable when I was a kid. When Bud spoke the words, "Some cowboys are smart real good", it all came rushing back. My friend Lisa and I would watch it over and over and over again when it came on tv. One thing I have to say though - the movie has some awesome music. And at the end? When Bud put Sissy's nameplate back in the window of his truck. Well, I got tears in my eyes.

1 comment:

Paige said...

You are absolutely right! I was getting worked up about the jangling key ring- you know I like that- but then when you got the SHORT part---oh my oh my!

How many teeth did he have?